Four abrasive materials that can be used in sandblasting

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Four abrasive materials that can be used in sandblasting

13 January 2023
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Sandblasting is a way of removing paint or rust from a surface by shooting high-pressure abrasive particles at it. It does not, however, necessarily use sand in the process. Sand is still commonly used, but it can cause damage when used on delicate surfaces. Here are some other abrasives that can be used in the sandblasting process.

Glass beads

Tiny glass beads can be used in place of sand. They shatter when they hit the surface, and so can be used for small bursts of blasting. They are often used on glass or plastic surfaces when they need to be glued or bonded to something else. However, they would not normally be used on stone or wood as they could cause damage to the finish.

Crushed glass

Crushed glass is used in blasting as an environmentally friendly alternative to sand. The glass itself comes from recycled bottles and can be reused multiple times. It also produces very little dust compared to sand and so is much better for the health of the operatives. It can be used on the same kind of surfaces as traditional sandblasting but is much kinder to the environment.

Baking soda

A third substance that can be used as an abrasive is baking soda. This can be used on all kinds of materials, including wood and metal, but it is less likely to cause any damage than sand. It also has the added advantage that it can remove any difficult stains on the surface, which makes it an ideal method for cleaning an old surface. It is a harmless substance that will not cause any damage to the environment or affect human health in any way.

Black diamond

Finally, black diamond particles can be used in abrasive blasting. They can be used on hard surfaces such as concrete or metal, and are effective at removing large build-ups. They are usually used to remove paint or rust before re-painting a surface. As diamond is such a hard material it is vital to carry out appropriate safety procedures during the blasting and to ensure that all operatives are properly protected. Nonetheless, black diamond blasting can be the best solution when the build-up is very difficult to remove.

An experienced sandblasting service will know which is the best method for your particular project and will be able to answer any further questions you have on the process or the materials to be used.